
the future of STEM education


Can we forecast the future of STEM education?

January 23, 2023


James Miller

Head of Curriculum, Fabrio

We want to bring STEM education into the 21st century, by making it more accessible to students and more exhilarating to teach.

As an EdTech company, we want to offer an innovative answer to the future of STEM education. In partnership with Twinkl, we discuss the role of STEM education today, and the importance of stimulating STEM education in schools in this blog. Both Twinkl and Fabrio recognise the benefits of STEM, such as teaching students problem-solving and teamwork skills, as well as how to use their knowledge in a practical capacity. Twinkl and Fabrio share the value of supporting educators, with Fabrio providing a unique platform that supplies teachers with engaging courses and course materials. This platform is the first to integrate into industry level software and offer students comprehensive feedback in real time, plus, STEM resources for teachers. 

The importance of STEM education 

STEM plays a vital role in today’s society. It’s estimated that this year will see 7.8% of all UK jobs (roughly 2.5 million) being in STEM. Besides being critical for our economy, STEM also enhances our well-being, through advancing medicine, upgrading forensic technology and providing sustainable solutions to environmental and societal issues. STEM is a crucial part of education, as it gives students a deeper understanding of the world around them and offers insights into world issues. 

Students need accessible STEM education in order to contribute to the development of STEM and pursue a career in a STEM industry. And, to learn the skills, abilities and critical thinking STEM provides. 

In some areas of STEM, such as design and technology and engineering, students will need to learn industry software, such as computer-assisted design (CAD) software, in order to have the required level of competence to be able to progress in the field. CAD, for instance, is used to enhance design, boost productivity and improve communication through documentation and is becoming an industry standard. However, educators may not have the expertise and skill to effectively teach pupils new technology and software, such as Fusion 360 (a CAD software). 

Keeping up with technological advancements and the progression of STEM subjects, may be overwhelming for teachers. This reflects in teaching, with educators lacking confidence. Research conducted by the James Dyson Foundation highlights the decline of students studying Design and Technology at GSCE level and A-Level. Their report concludes that “It’s our responsibility to equip students with the skills needed to tackle challenges of the future”, but current lessons are failing to inspire pupils. 

This is where Fabrio comes in. Through interactive tutorial videos, easy-to-follow guides and instructions, plus the unique real-time feedback function, students and teachers can follow dynamic courses together. Course content is based on the national curriculum (2014) aims, and has been designed by the Fabrio team to support students’ understanding and learning progression. For non-subject specialists, Fabrio offers guidance and easy-to-use STEM resources for teachers. 

When asking Fabrio CEO, Jay Sahnan, why STEM education is important, he replied: “STEM education is important because it provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's rapidly changing and increasingly technological world. These skills are in high demand in many industries, and by studying STEM subjects, students also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills that are valuable in any field

STEM has been something that has been a part of my life for a long while now. Ever since I was young I enjoyed taking things apart and trying to put them back together. In school I built my first 3D printer and made my first CAD files. This taught me that STEM is more than the subjects, it is a way of thinking”.

What is the future of STEM education?

As we don’t have a crystal ball, we can’t predict the future. Though, current trends recognised by The James Dyson Foundation predict the future of STEM education is slowly improving. Initiatives promoting the benefits of STEM education, through challenges and creative competitions, can help boost the uptake of STEM subjects at GCSE. But ultimately, it comes down to the enthusiasm and ability of teachers in the classroom. To ensure a dynamic and innovative future for STEM, we need to empower future generations. 

How can STEM education be improved?

Here are some suggestions on how you can improve STEM teaching in your lessons: 

  • Make lessons hands on: Including practical activities in your lesson plans gives students the opportunity to bring their concepts to life. This is rewarding. 
  • Apply lessons to real life situations: Pupils will learn new skills and learn how to use these in the outside world. 
  • Integrate STEM subjects into other projects/subjects: Cross curricular teaching will emphasise how STEM is applicable to different areas. 
  • Incorporate students’ curiosity and inquisitive questions into lesson plans.
  • Using Fabrio!

Fabrio aims to be part of the future of STEM education by supporting educators and inspiring students to learn and practise their skills outside of the classroom. Fabrio promotes self-study and caters to students who are eager to improve their skill outside of lesson time. Plus, students can pursue their interests and produce their imaginative ideas. 

To be part of Fabrio’s vision for the future of STEM education you can register your school for free.

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Become a CAD expert with Fabrio

Say goodbye to outdated courses and video tutorials

Students this year used Smart Check for their assessments. All they had to do was work through the Assessment and click Submit once they were happy.

Fabrio's Smart Check took care of the rest, saving Dr Peach hundreds of hours of marking, as it assessed students' work instantly directly within Fusion 360. Students' marks are easy to access through our convenient dashboard.

Reclaim hundreds of hours with Fabrio! Spend your time where it matters most, and let us handle the marking.

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