
3D printing design


Get started with 3D printing

December 19, 2022


Jay Sahnan

CEO, Fabrio

How much do you know about 3D printing? Maybe you’re new to the world of computer assisted design and 3D printing. Or, maybe you want to learn more about the tools that you use daily. Whatever level of expertise you have behind you, this series of blog posts on 3D printing will help you deepen your understanding of this technology. By the end, you’ll know all there is to know about 3D printing.

This post will give you an introduction to 3D printing, what the process of 3D printing design is, what 3D printing is used for and what CAD software for 3D printing there is. You can use this to refresh your knowledge or you can use this information as a guide.

Let’s go back to basics, and determine what 3D printing is. 3D printing is the method of constructing an object layer-by-layer using computer assisted design. Once a 3D printing design has been created, the printer will then read and interpret the digital file and follow the instructions. Numerous processes, equipment and materials are used to create an object from a 3D printer. 3D printing is also known as ‘additive manufacturing’, which essentially means ‘objects created through adding and materials’.

3D printing is used in a variety of industries as part of the manufacturing process, such as healthcare, engineering and fashion. 3D printing is viewed as a sustainable and efficient alternative to the traditional methods of creating prototypes and tools used different manufacturing processes.

What is 3D printing used for?

3D printing is used in a variety of industries as part of the manufacturing process, such as healthcare, engineering and fashion. 3D printing is viewed as a sustainable and efficient alternative to the traditional methods of creating prototypes and tools used different manufacturing processes.

How does 3D printing work?

For students, this step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process of creating an object from a design made in CAD software for 3D printing:

Step 1

Create your design in CAD software, such as Fusion 360. . You can create your design from scratch, or follow designs found in course materials or resources.

Step 2

Once your design has been edited and export and download the SLT file. The SLT file is read by the 3D printer and is a blueprint for your 3D object.

Step 3

Determine what materials you’ll be using. As part of your 3D printing design, you will need to decide on the materials. This decision will be made depending on what properties you want your object to have.

Step 4

Pick your parameters. The next decision you’ll have to make is parameters of such as layer thickness, infill density and pattern, printing speed and raster angle.

Step 5

Create the Gcode. Your SLT file will need to be imported into a slicing software, which converts the information from the SLT file into Gcode. Gcode is the language used by a 3D printer. The Gcode will include the exact instructions on how to create your 3D printing design.

Step 6

Time to print. Once the instructions have been given to the 3D printer it can begin constructing your object.

CAD software for 3D printing

To create your 3D printing designs, you will need to use software programs for 3D modelling. There are many software programs available, such as Fusion 360, TinkerCAD and OpenSCAD. For students, we recommend learning Fusion 360, as it has a user-friendly interface and is used in many fields - which is beneficial for students figuring out which industry they want to work in. Skills and knowledge gained through learning and using Fusion 360 are easily transferable.

Where does Fabrio fit in?

To help with the crucial first step of 3D printing, Fabrio has a collection of curated resources and courses on the CAD software for 3D printing, Fusion 360. Our courses have been specifically designed with students in mind, to benefit both teacher and pupil. Within our courses we have our unique marking system, which is integrated into the software and gives students real-time feedback on their work. This provides students with valuable structure and input, and takes the weight of educators’ shoulders.

If you’re teaching CAD software for 3D printing, learn more about how we’re transforming STEM education and helping students. You can start your design journey with our free resources.

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Become a CAD expert with Fabrio

Say goodbye to outdated courses and video tutorials

Students this year used Smart Check for their assessments. All they had to do was work through the Assessment and click Submit once they were happy.

Fabrio's Smart Check took care of the rest, saving Dr Peach hundreds of hours of marking, as it assessed students' work instantly directly within Fusion 360. Students' marks are easy to access through our convenient dashboard.

Reclaim hundreds of hours with Fabrio! Spend your time where it matters most, and let us handle the marking.

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