
Case Study


See how University College London uses Fabrio

March 5, 2024


Jay Sahnan

CEO, Fabrio

Using Fabrio to elevate Fusion 360 training sessions, whilst accelerating independent learning and enhancing your students' confidence

Fabrio is the only Edtech platform to integrate industry-level software into our CAD training courses. This means that students can use Fusion 360 training sessions to get to grips with software that they will use in the classroom, as well as their job roles in the future.

We want to facilitate your lesson plans so that students can feel prepared and at ease when using CAD, meaning that they can expand their practical skills whilst receiving instant feedback. All students have to do is log into the web platform and install the add-in.

From there, they can work through the software, which is divided into a range of checkpoints that students can answer. Thanks to our amazing Smart Check software, students can receive instant feedback, which will propel them further and help them to use the results to gain more of an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

This will save hundreds of hours of marking time, leaving room for the more important things, such as face-to-face discussions and collaborative feedback sessions.

Rather than worrying about turning around weeks' worth of marking, Fabrio enables professors to spend more time on one-to-one discussions and detailed conversations. This will prevent burnout for both students and professors, as students will not have to wait for their grades and worry about the outcome, whilst professors will have more time to focus on other tasks at hand.

Enhance productivity in Fusion 360 training sessions by installing the add-in and letting us do the hard work with Fabrio Smart Check.

Here at Fabrio, we know that professors have a lot on their plate. Whether it's presenting lectures, conducting research, dealing with the bureaucracy that comes with the job or marking over 2000 individual student files, there's always so much to juggle at once.

That's why we are dedicated to easing pressure and providing professors with a solution to some of the problems they may be faced with on a daily basis, such as a lack of time or difficulty when it comes to accessing students' work. You can use Smart Check to assess students' work directly within Fusion 360, at the simple touch of a few buttons! Professors will be able to access all kinds of information when checking out the software, including a student's progress, their assessment grades, anything that they are struggling with and anything they are smashing in their work.

Students can access the tutorials and software at their own personal pace, which will help you to understand their progress and how they are finding the course in general.

This will reduce pressure as each student will be on their own pathway without comparing themselves to other students or rushing through anything, whilst you can pinpoint particular areas of development for them.

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Become a CAD expert with Fabrio

Say goodbye to outdated courses and video tutorials

Students this year used Smart Check for their assessments. All they had to do was work through the Assessment and click Submit once they were happy.

Fabrio's Smart Check took care of the rest, saving Dr Peach hundreds of hours of marking, as it assessed students' work instantly directly within Fusion 360. Students' marks are easy to access through our convenient dashboard.

Reclaim hundreds of hours with Fabrio! Spend your time where it matters most, and let us handle the marking.

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